What To Bring
Tommygun's suggests wearing long sleeves and long pants. Wearing layers works best so you can shed between games on warmer days. Footwear should be closed-toe, NO SANDALS. Cleats (non-metal), hiking boots, or tennis shoes are recommended in that order. You will be playing outside in various weather conditions in the dirt: dress appropriately.
While we do have some beverages available, you are welcome to bring your own beverages and food. We have picnic tables available in the staging area.
You may bring your own equipment, but not your own paintballs. Those with your own marker: please have a barrel sleeve on the marker before installing the tank.
You must wear an approved paintball mask with a good lens. The mask may not be altered in a way that would impede its primary function of keeping you safe.
Your marker must be chronographed to under 300 FPS. We will help you if you wish. Your marker may not be able to be adjusted above 300 FPS without a tool (no thumb screws).
Use compressed air. Your marker will thank you. We do not fill CO2 and will let you use one of our tanks for free.
Basic Rules
Always wear your mask in the playing area
Always have your marker plugged when not in shooting areas
No climbing trees or man-made bunkers
Pay attention to where your gun is pointed at all times (no blind shooting)
Listen to your Refs
Shooting at the head and groin is discouraged (the hits still count)
No shooting animals, wild or domestic
If someone's hand is up, stop shooting them
In private groups, you are allowed to make your own rules
Always wear your mask in the playing area
Always have your marker plugged when not in shooting areas